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We specialize in land for sale in Tennessee with owner financing. No credit check, land loans on unrestricted land.

Meshtastic For Rural Communication

In an age where connectivity is often taken for granted, small rural communities frequently face unique challenges. Limited infrastructure, vast distances, and topographical obstacles can make reliable communication difficult. However, innovative solutions like Meshtastic are emerging to bridge these gaps. Meshtastic, an open-source project that uses inexpensive, low-power LoRa (Long Range) radios to create a mesh network, offers numerous benefits for small rural communities. Here are some key advantages of adopting Meshtastic in these areas:

1. Enhanced Communication in Remote Areas

One of the primary benefits of Meshtastic is its ability to facilitate communication in areas where traditional cellular networks are unavailable or unreliable. By setting up a network of LoRa devices, community members can send text messages and share their locations over considerable distances, often reaching up to several miles. This enhanced communication capability is crucial in emergencies, allowing residents to stay in touch and coordinate effectively.

2. Cost-Effective Solution

Meshtastic offers a cost-effective alternative to expensive cellular or satellite communication systems. The hardware required to set up a Meshtastic network is relatively inexpensive, and there are no recurring subscription fees. This affordability makes it an attractive option for small communities with limited budgets, providing reliable communication without significant financial burden.

3. Community Resilience and Safety

In rural areas, natural disasters such as wildfires, floods, and storms can disrupt communication networks, leaving residents isolated. Meshtastic can play a vital role in community resilience by ensuring that a robust, decentralized communication system remains operational even when traditional networks fail. This capability can be life-saving, enabling timely alerts, coordination of evacuation efforts, and efficient allocation of resources during emergencies.

4. Fostering Community Engagement

Meshtastic networks can enhance social cohesion by fostering greater community engagement. Residents can easily organize local events, share information about community activities, and coordinate efforts for communal projects. This improved communication infrastructure can strengthen the sense of community, promoting cooperation and mutual support among residents.

5. Encouraging Technological Literacy

Implementing Meshtastic in a rural community encourages technological literacy among residents. Setting up and maintaining the network requires some technical knowledge, which can be an excellent learning opportunity for community members. This hands-on experience with technology can empower individuals, providing them with valuable skills that can be applied in various aspects of their lives.

6. Supporting Local Businesses and Agriculture

Reliable communication is essential for local businesses and agricultural operations. Farmers can use Meshtastic to monitor remote fields, coordinate with workers, and share real-time updates on weather conditions or equipment status. Local businesses can benefit from improved coordination and communication with suppliers and customers, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.


In conclusion, Meshtastic offers a versatile, cost-effective, and sustainable solution to the communication challenges faced by small rural communities. By enhancing connectivity, promoting community engagement, and fostering resilience, Meshtastic can significantly improve the quality of life for residents in these areas. As technology continues to evolve, embracing innovative solutions like Meshtastic can help rural communities stay connected, safe, and thriving.

If you’d like to give Meshtastic a try, this is a pretty nice 2-pack set to learn with.

Here is a good introduction video for getting started with Meshtastic:

Offline Ai Computer For A Doomsday Scenario – The “Doom Box”

$699 with free shipping! (To the continental US. – Everywhere else is calculated at checkout and it ranges from $15 to $50)

Go here to place an order.

We have configured a low power (~15 watts when using the Ai), off-line Ai computer that would still contain most of the knowledge of the internet even if the internet ceases to exist. It is a pre-configured Ai computer in a waterproof, ruggedized storage container.






















In a “Mad Max” or “Walking Dead” type of scenario, imagine still having most of the knowledge from the internet that we currently take for granted. With this miniature Ai computer, you would still have access to resources to help you with the following topics:

  • Survival
  • Agriculture
  • Raising/training animals
  • Medicine/emergency medicine
  • Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Security
  • Power generation and storage
  • Weaponry/munition creation
  • Biodiesel creation
  • Woodgas creation and storage
  • Educating your children
  • Repairing machinery
  • Food preservation
  • Universal translation into just about every language
  • Dealing with stress, trauma or moral dilemmas
  • Entertainment suggestions
  • Contract generation
  • Bartering/trade recommendations
  • Frameworks for reinstating local, limited government
  • Unbiased third party mediation for conflicts
  • And many, many more…

We see this as the ultimate insurance policy for an insane world.

Use Cases Prior To The Apocalypse… lol:

  • Knowledge base for:
    • Ships At Sea
    • Remote Land
    • Remote Base Camps
    • Remote Non-Profit Groups
    • Research Facilities

Contact us here to find out more info.

Pricing is $699 with free shipping! (To the continental US. – International orders will be calculated at checkout, ranging from $15-$50)

Go here to place an order.

Here is a video that also shows the capability to scan for transmissions and play them back (an external bluetooth speaker would be needed):

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Micro-Greens For Supplemental Income And Self Sufficiency

If you’d like to start a hobby that could provide you and your family with nutritious food and some side income, you may want to look into growing micro-greens.


Creating a full on hydroponic shipping container is a project we’ve always wanted to complete ourselves:

Our Basic Off Grid Power System

We have a small RV that we use as a mobile office while we’re setting up new developments. We modified the small, factory battery/inverter system in order to support our more demanding needs. Many customers have asked us for the details so they could set up something similar. The setup described below could be used in a RV or small cabin and is scalable to handle more capacity as you go.

Here’s what we have:

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Living Off The Grid 1 Year Timelapse

Follow Sean and Jes’ channel here:

Video Description:
It’s been 1 year since we left the city to live off grid. Having moved to the wilderness of Tennessee with ZERO experience to develop our raw land into our forever Homestead. On our road to becoming Self Sufficient we learned from day 1 how our lives were about to change for the better but not without the hardships that come with building a homestead from scratch. Using Solar for our electric and rainwater harvesting for all of our water needs has made our daily routine living in the woods a challenge but rewarding. We attempted to grow our own food with our first ever organic garden, built multiple rainwater collection systems and learned to live without the amenities we were so used to while living in Los Angeles. Moving our lives towards a minimalist lifestyle has taught both Jes and I how to appreciate everything we work for and the journey of learning will lead us all the way to building our own cob cottage. Although our Bushcraft skills are at a minimum we keep pushing forward and with every failure we learn a better way of how to homestead. Living off the land is not something we ever thought was possible in today’s society but with determination to escape the rat race, we inch our way to a happier, healthier existence not only in harmony with our own bodies but in oneness with nature all around us. Follow our off grid vlog Little House Off The Griddy and lend us your experience or learn from what we do right or wrong. We hope you enjoy our first year off grid timelapse as well as our off grid journey. We sure had a blast and hope you Stay tuned for more from Sean & Jes

How To Find Out What TV Channels Are Available In Rural Areas

If you’re looking to buy rural land and would like to find out what over the air TV channels are available, check this site out. You can enter the zip code, move the marker to the property and see what channels you can expect to pick up.


How To Find Out What TV Channels Are Available In Rural Areas

Little House Off The Griddy

If you’d like to follow YouTube creators who are going off-grid and documenting the evolution of their land, check this channel out.

Follow Sean and Jes as they transform 19 raw acres into their off grid paradise!

You can also visit their shop at

Follow along as Sean & Jes move from the city to live off grid in the wilderness of Tennesee. In each episode watch as Sean and Jes learn to tackle the daily struggle of what comes with their homesteading journey. Neither Sean or Jes have any experience with building, gardening or basically anything that involves an off grid lifestyle but they seem to keep pulling through. The goal of this channel is to show that anyone can make the move from any walk of life to a more self sustaining lifestyle and still be a part of society. We as a channel welcome any tips and comments from experts on any topic regarding a off grid life.

Strategic Relocation To Tennessee

Many of our land buyers have told us that they picked TN because of the book “Strategic Relocation, North American Guide To Safe Places” by Joel Skousen. In the book, TN has a number of attributes that place it high on the list of desirable places for strategic location. Tennessee continues to be a destination for Americans seeking to return to the America they remember and love.

“Brand new 4th Edition! Unlike most guides in today’s bookstores that tout the “best places” to live based on golf courses, schools, etc., this book considers future threats that most other people fail to see or choose to ignore such as: -A labor crisis or pandemic that halts the inflow of food and business goods -An economic crisis that threatens your pensions, investments and other so-called “guaranteed” income streams -A major earthquake or other natural disaster that suddenly upsets the natural social order for months at a time -An emergency that clogs the area’s freeways -The “unthinkable”: nuclear war or major terrorist attack on a U.S. city with chemical or biological weapons It is easy to dismiss these threats during times of peace and prosperity, but they are real and the probability of such events occurring increases every year. In this 4th Edition we have updated our country-by-country and state-by-state reviews based on the continuing political and demographic changes, including recent events such as the exaggerated Covid 19 pandemic. We help you develop your own customized strategy in this book, by taking you through each threat and helping you recognize which threats require relocation and which can be mitigated through common-sense preparations. To help you evaluate the pros and cons of each area we have summarized the most valuable information in easy-to-read formats including: -Expanded text and graphics for weather, pollution, population density, natural disasters, nuclear and military dangers and more. -Color maps by state showing terrain, public and private land use, and military target areas. -An evaluation of all the most attractive foreign “expat” countries. -Regional maps outlining the best general retreat areas. And much more.”

Go here to get a copy!


How To Pump Water With No Electricity

If you have flowing water on your property with at least 2 feet of drop, then you can pump that water elsewhere for free! You just need to build or buy what’s known as a “hydraulic ram pump“. The pump basically uses a percentage of the energy of the water flowing through it to pump water higher than the source of the water. This allows you to store water at a higher level on your property to allow you to gravity feed it to wherever you need it (gardens, animals, home, etc…). You could also store the water for micro-hydroelectric power generation. This is where you pump the water to a higher location so you can create pressure that you can use to run a small electric generator. This won’t make too much power but could help generate on demand emergency power for charging a battery or running some LED lights when solar or wind isn’t available.

Here is a link to buy a pre-made hydraulic ram pump on Amazon.

Generate Power Using An Old Washing Machine

Create Your Own Natural Pool

If you’ve ever wanted to create something like this… let us know. We have a few tracts that would be ideal for creating something like this. Raw land has so much potential, you just have to add a little creativity and elbow grease!


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Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary

From April to November, enjoy visiting the historic Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary in Petros, TN. Take a tour of the old prison. Enjoy lunch at the Warden’s Table. Experience a paranormal tour and leave with a little moonshine from the Brushy Mountain Distillery to calm your nerves.

DIY Storm Shelter

Seeing a cinder block shanty on this tract got me thinking about how block buildings could be used on recreational land. It’s a relatively cheap option that people could build on their own. These buildings would give you a secure option for storing dirtbikes, lawn mowers, camping gear… etc on your vacant land. You could also use them as a root cellar for canning and storing provisions for a “bug out property”.

Here is a link for some plans to help.