Living Off The Grid 1 Year Timelapse

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Video Description:
It’s been 1 year since we left the city to live off grid. Having moved to the wilderness of Tennessee with ZERO experience to develop our raw land into our forever Homestead. On our road to becoming Self Sufficient we learned from day 1 how our lives were about to change for the better but not without the hardships that come with building a homestead from scratch. Using Solar for our electric and rainwater harvesting for all of our water needs has made our daily routine living in the woods a challenge but rewarding. We attempted to grow our own food with our first ever organic garden, built multiple rainwater collection systems and learned to live without the amenities we were so used to while living in Los Angeles. Moving our lives towards a minimalist lifestyle has taught both Jes and I how to appreciate everything we work for and the journey of learning will lead us all the way to building our own cob cottage. Although our Bushcraft skills are at a minimum we keep pushing forward and with every failure we learn a better way of how to homestead. Living off the land is not something we ever thought was possible in today’s society but with determination to escape the rat race, we inch our way to a happier, healthier existence not only in harmony with our own bodies but in oneness with nature all around us. Follow our off grid vlog Little House Off The Griddy and lend us your experience or learn from what we do right or wrong. We hope you enjoy our first year off grid timelapse as well as our off grid journey. We sure had a blast and hope you Stay tuned for more from Sean & Jes