How to Plan for Off-Grid Living: A Beginner’s Guide

You’re tired of city life and are chewing over moving to the country. But how can you achieve this dream?

In this guide, you’ll learn how to transform your vision of escaping to the country into a reality you can touch. Dive into our guide to discover how you can invest in your privacy, build freedom on rural land, and get peace of mind in unstable times.

What is off-grid living?

Off-grid living, also known as ‘off-gridding’ is a lifestyle that prioritizes relying on yourself, not the power grid or city utilities, to meet your basic needs—water, electricity, heat, and even food. It’s about staking your claim and ditching the grid—no bills, no noise, just freedom.

That being said, off-gridding looks differently for everyone and there are no rules. How you choose to live is up to you.

Struggling to picture it? Well, some homesteaders live a ranch life. Rearing your own livestock and keeping horses might be on your bucket list too. Or, you may have a burning desire to connect to nature and live off the land by farming, fishing, and hunting for your food.

We’re also aware of off-grid families who shop for food in grocery stores. Some folks generate all the electricity they need from solar panels, while others use a generator. There are differing views in the off-grid community, but no one way to do it.

Another motivator for off-gridders is a legitimate concern about out of control global events. By purchasing your own land, you can buy or build an emergency bug-out property with all the amenities you need to live securely. Many choose to purchase properties with silo bomb shelters, or land with off-grid-ready setups in secure communities with good neighbors.

The choice is yours. It’s your land, your legacy.

3 key considerations for off-grid living

It pays to be practical when planning your country haven, or you’ll get stuck in the muck.

At the end of the day your land needs to provide every amenity you require to live securely, achieve your goals, and thrive.

1)    Evaluate the land

At Landstruck, we offer you the opportunity to build a peaceful country retreat in rural Tennessee, the Volunteer State. Tennessee is in high demand for its rolling hills, flowing water, and mild climate.

Are you ready to hunt, camp, build, or farm? We have plots where you can’t see your neighbors, and plots in secure communities. It’s time to find your perfect tract.

When starting out on your off-grid journey your top priority is to compare plots of land. Check whether land tallies with the ‘must haves’ on your laundry list to create the lifestyle you’re shooting for.

The type of land you want to live on will guide your search. You may hanker after the hills, prefer the woods, or want to live on flat land with water sources.

Many homesteaders favor land with streams and lakes, especially fishers who aim to use sustainable fishing as a key part of their diet. See our land for sale with water sources.

If you plan to farm your land, you’ll need fertile land to grow crops—look for land in the Cumberland Plateau. If the ranching life is for you, you’ll need enough pasture land to rear healthy livestock. Or, check out woodland properties if you’re a hunter.

The most important thing is to keep a roof over your head. Some hardy off-gridders (all power to ‘em) build their own homes using the natural resources of the land – wood and stone can come in handy. It’s also possible to live in yurts, RVs, purpose-built cabins, or tiny homes.

2) Plan your infrastructure

Off-grid living isn’t for the faint of heart. If you don’t plan ahead, that dream could turn into a headache real fast.

Start by looking at the natural features of the land. Access to clean water—a stream, river, or underground water source—is a non-negotiable to successful off-grid living. You can also capture rainfall (some states make this illegal, but not Tennessee), and we can advise you on the best areas for water collection such as in wet weather creek beds.

Unless you’re harking back to a much simpler time, you will need a power source for any modern conveniences. If you choose to power your home with solar power, look for a sunny location with enough space for solar panels and a good southern exposure. Some off-gridders even set up solar farms, create surplus energy, and generate extra income as a side hustle.

Whether you rely on solar power, a conventional generator or a good old fashioned campfire, you need to know how much energy you’ll need. Start to think about how much electricity you’ll need for lighting, heating and to power your electronic devices and appliances. If you’re going to unplug completely, consider the amount of wood you need to cook food, heat water and keep warm in cold weather.

There’s no sugar coating it. You’ll be dealing with wastewater, living off grid means access to a municipal sewer is off limits. Wastewater doesn’t smell of roses, but not having a solution to wastewater really stinks! Options to deal with waste include a septic tank, a drainage field, a sewage treatment plant, off-grid toilets in RVs and tiny homes, and composting toilets. We typically recommend a septic system.

As a first step, it’s crucial to check the current state and local laws regarding toilets as they can vary.

3) Set realistic goals

It’s important to visualize your off-grid lifestyle with a clear eye. Everyone has a different picture in their mind’s eye of an idyllic scene.

You might be set on growing your own food. If so, you already know fertile land is a dealbreaker. You may even have the admirable goal of living entirely off the land. However, it’s crucial you have a plan in your back pocket when you’re up sh*t creek without a paddle. For example, it’s wise to have accessible grocery stores if you need to buy food for your family in a pinch.

You may choose to rely totally on natural water sources, or use bottled water in emergencies. These are all just examples. Setting goals you can’t achieve is a fool’s errand. So, whatever you choose, set achievable goals.

Browse our off-grid properties

We believe everyone deserves a fair shake at secure off-grid living.

By living off-grid, you’ll gain the peace of mind and the freedom that comes from owning land that’s ready for self-sufficient living. Live in the way you choose, not how society expects you to.

We don’t just sell land. Our expert development team supports you with your self-sufficient off-grid setup. From building essential roads and helping set up sustainable resources such as solar panels and water capture mechanisms. We can also talk you through how we’ve set up our mobile development equipped with solar, generators, water collection and Starlink. We work tirelessly to ensure your land meets your needs.

Ready to live free? Browse Landstruck’s properties and find your perfect plot today.

If you have any questions about how to plan for off-grid living, or how to buy country land don’t hesitate to get in touch with our knowledgeable team. We’ve been there and done it, we’ve got your back