by | | Financing, Off Grid, Rural Land Resources
In recent years, the soaring costs of urban living have driven many people to reconsider their lifestyle choices. The allure of the bustling city is often overshadowed by skyrocketing rent prices, exorbitant utility bills, and the stress of constant hustle. On the...
by | | Off Grid, Rural Land Resources
If you’re looking for off-grid internet, you may want to look into the Nomad Internet option.
by | | Off Grid, Rural Land Resources
In an age where connectivity is often taken for granted, small rural communities frequently face unique challenges. Limited infrastructure, vast distances, and topographical obstacles can make reliable communication difficult. However, innovative solutions like...
by | | Off Grid, Rural Land Resources
$699 with free shipping! (To the continental US. – Everywhere else is calculated at checkout and it ranges from $15 to $50) Go here to place an order. We have configured a low power (~15 watts when using the Ai), off-line Ai computer that would still contain...
by | | Food, Hydroponics, Off Grid
If you’d like to start a hobby that could provide you and your family with nutritious food and some side income, you may want to look into growing micro-greens. Creating a full on hydroponic shipping container is a project we’ve always wanted to complete...