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Timber Hills Tract 35 Linden Perry County TN 37096

Property Details

Timber Hills Tract 35 Linden Perry County TN 37096


Land For Sale In Tenn | TH-TR35

Residential - Linden TN

7.3 Acres – Land for sale in Tenn.

If you’d like to go check the property out, let us know and we can get you a GPS file and a free app to use on your phone to see the approximate outline.

Financing Info:

Down Payment: $1000

Document Fee: $300

Monthly: $551.66/mo

Term: 20 Years

APR: 10.9%

Video Of The Drive To Timber Hills:

Location And Approximate Property Outline:

Link to outline in Google Maps

GPS Coordinates To The Start Of The Access Road For The Property:

35.520240, -87.689213

GPS Coordinates To The Center Of The Frontage Of The Tract:

35.519571, -87.693104


Approximate Perimeter, Topo And LIDAR Overlays: